


Image Source: My Senior Photos Taken By Justin T. Perez (Family Friend)

Hello everyone! 

I hope you're doing well and staying alive during this virus outbreak I will say things have definitely changed both in how I do life and how I am operating now.

I will say although I am unemployed due to the fact I left my previous job in good terms I miss my old work family. Even though what I did I didn't enjoy all the time the people I worked with were some of the nicest and coolest people ever. To this day and beyond I have lots of respect for the place I once worked for and all that they do. 

Since COVID19 hit I have been adapting to staying at home only leaving for groceries, take out, picking up medication or getting my vehicle serviced on an as-need basis. Its tough not going to the mall and browsing for hours on end at shoes and other things. I can't wait to go back to the mall and just browse and try stuff on for fun. 

As soon as this crazy restriction lifts I am considering buying some cowboy boots and a cowboy hat yes you heard me! I am going to add western to my style! If you have any recommendations comment down below I would love to hear from you.

Don't forget to stay home as much as possible and if you go out socially distance stay 6ft or more away from others and if you choose to wear gloves and an approved face mask (Please save the N95 Masks For Our Population Who Need Them Most. Most importantly share a friendly hello to others when out and please lend a hand to someone in need at the store if you can while following all CDC guidelines.

Finally please remember to say thank you to our essential employees as you interact with them for being present and willing to help us ( Yes that includes truck drivers ) without them we wouldn't be able to survive. 

Stay Safe May God Bless You!!

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